Good Intentions Network
Guide to Sustainable Living
ACTION: Get Informed
We are all ignorant of something and that’s okay as long as we acknowledge our ignorance, welcome new information and seek out different perspectives. The more we know about a challenge and existing solutions, the more effectively we’re able to address that challenge.
Below are some ways to take those next steps into informing yourself about the challenges & solutions of sustainability, and if you begin to lose motivation then you can Get Inspired again.
Attend - Sustainability Conferences & Events
BSR 2019 Conference (Nov 12-14) (watch replay) - THE NEW CLIMATE FOR BUSINESS
GreenBiz 20 Virtual Conference (Feb 4-6) (watch replay) - SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS LEADERS
Towards low-carbon lifestyles - ICTA-UAB International Virtual Conference (May 6-8) (watch replay) (view program)
Sustainable Brands Leadership Summit (Jun 1-2)
The Virtual Responsible Business Week (Jun 8-16) (watch live)
UN World Oceans Day 2020 Virtual Event (Jun 8) (watch replay - option 1 & option 2) - INNOVATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE OCEAN
UCLA IoES GreenShorts Film Festival Award Ceremony (Jun 11) (watch replay)
How Can Crisis Measures be Used to Create More Resilient and Sustainable Business and Societies - Stockholm School of Economics (watch replay)
Strategies for Transformative Global Leadership (Jun 15-19) (watch replay)
PDC - Participatory Design Conference (Jun 15-19) (website) - COMPUTING PROFESSIONALS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
ICT4S - ICT for Sustainability Virtual Conference (Jun 21-27) (watch replay) (full program)
Transform Europe Virtual Series - Sustainable Procurement & Circularity (Jul 7-8) (register)
What's Next? Reimagining Further Education for the Future - Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) (Jul 8) (watch replay)
Virtual Social Impact Networking Happy Hour (Jul 16) (signup)
Delivering Net Zero Virtual Week (Aug 4-5) (register)
Transform Europe Virtual Series - Natural Capital & Biodiversity (Aug 24-28) (register)
Circularity 20 Virtual Conference (Aug 25-27) (register) - ACCELERATING THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY
Transform Europe Virtual Series - Energy & Carbon (Sep 28-29) (register)
WCEFOnline - World Circular Economy Forum Virtual Event (Sep 29-30) (program)
Responsible Business Awards (Oct 5-9) (website)
BSR 2020 Virtual Conference (Oct 20-22) (subscribe)
VERGE 20 Conference (Oct 27-29) (subscribe) - ACCELERATING THE CLEAN ECONOMY
GreenBiz 21 Conference (Feb 9-11) (subscribe) - SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS LEADERS
Subscribe - Sustainability Newsletters
GreenBiz (subscribe)
Sustainable Brands (subscribe)
BSR (subscribe)
Above the Bottom Line (subscribe)
thinkPARALLAX (subscribe)
3BL Media (subscribe)
The Ethical Corporation Magazine (July 2020)
Hyper Island (subscribe)
(Social Equality)
Listen - Sustainability Podcasts
(Social Equality)
1619 (listen)
Watch - Sustainability Stories, Films, Shows
WaterBear Network (sign-up) - MIX + CALLS TO ACTION (NATURAL HISTORY)
Shortly (sign-up) - SHORT FORM (CULTURE, FICTION)
CUSP - Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (watch replays)
Read - Sustainability Research & Reports
There and back again… (comments from virtual “Strategies for Transformative Global Leadership” conference) (article)
Moving towards low-carbon lifestyles: a question of collective action (Dec 2019) (article)
Seeking Sustainable Solutions While Working From Home (Jul 2020) (article)
Are You Willing to Give Up Your Privilege? Philanthropy alone won’t save the American dream. (Jun 2020) (article)
The Climate Crisis: Where we stand and what to do about it (article)
UN Environment Programme - Actions for Change (report)
The 1.5°C Business Playbook - build a strategy for exponential climate action (Jan 2020) (PDF)
Sweden’s climate elite are challenging new startups to fight climate change (Jun 2020) (article)
The COVID Covenant: Don’t Go Back — Go Big and Go Now! (Jul 2020) (article) (sign COVID Covenant)
Business Roundtable Redefines the Purpose of a Corporation to Promote ‘An Economy That Serves All Americans’ (Aug 2019) (article)
Marc Benioff: We Need a New Capitalism - The current system has led to profound inequality. To fix it, we need businesses and executives to value purpose alongside profit. (article)
Alphabet issues sustainability bonds to support environmental and social initiatives (Aug 2020) (article)
(Social Equality)
Anti-racism resources for white people (Google doc)
12 Ways You Can Help Eradicate White Supremacy (article)
(Built Environment)
Six experts on how we’ll live, work, and play in cities after COVID-19 (Jun 2020) (article)
(ICT & Computing)
Mapping Social Responsibility and Technology (visual map)
Join - Sustainability Groups & Platforms
Earth Regenerators (join)
Follow - Sustainability Leaders
Mindy Lubber - Ceres (LinkedIn)
Joel Makower - GreenBiz (LinkedIn)
Salem Afeworki - Value Sustainability (LinkedIn)
Samantha Suppiah - sustainability strategist (LinkedIn)
Hannah Davis - Techstars Sustainability Accelerator (LinkedIn)
Trish Kenlon - Sustainable Career Pathways (LinkedIn)
Erika Karp - Cornerstone Capital (LinkedIn)
Hunter Lovins - Change Finance, PBC; Natural Capitalism Solutions; Bard MBA (LinkedIn)
Andrew Winston - Winston Eco-Strategies (LinkedIn)
Gil Friend - Natural Logic; Critical Path Capital; Kora Sustainability; Reporting 3.0; Inquiring Systems (LinkedIn)
Catherine Greener - Greener Solutions (LinkedIn)
Dr. John Izzo - Izzo Associates; The Men’s Initiative; University of British Columbia; Sustainable Brands (LinkedIn)
Daniel Kreeger - Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO) (LinkedIn)
Amy Larkin - Nature Means Business; RESOLVE (LinkedIn)
Phillip Clawson - Salterbaxter (LinkedIn)
P.J. Simmons - Corporate EcoForum (LinkedIn)
Daniel Aronson - Valutus (LinkedIn)